
quinta-feira, 17 de junho de 2010

Tabela da Copa

Que dia o Brasil joga, mesmo?

Você ouve essa frase diversas vezes durante a Copa, então para facilitar você pode imprimir a tabela abaixo e já ir se programando. Pode já comprar a pipoca e o guaraná. Só tome cuidado com as vuvuzelas, tem gente que ainda não é adepta!

Um comentário:

  1. World Cup Chinese Vocabulary
    If you are in Beijing, Shanghai, or even other cities in China, I think you have noticed that China has huge number of soccer fans excited over the World Cup. Here around Wudaokou, almost every bar or cafe is open until all hours for the World Cup games as well. Your Chinese friends are probably talking about the World Cup all the time now. We put together some useful Chinese vocabulary so you can talk about the World Cup soccer games with your Chinese friends.

    1. The World Cup-世界杯-(shì jiè bēi)

    2. South Africa-南非 -(nán fēi)

    3. Fan-球迷-(qiú mí);Big Fan-铁杆球迷-(tiě ɡǎn qiú mí)

    He is a big fan of Italian team.

    4. Goal-进球-(jìn qiú)-德国队的第一场比赛踢进了4个球。
    The German team scored fours goals in the first game.

    5. Penalty Kick-点球-(diǎn qiú)

    6. Hand ball-手球- (shǒu qiú)

    7. Header-头球-(tóu qiú)

    8. Coach-主帅-(zhǔ shuài)

    Diego Maradona is the coach of Argentina.

    9. Foul-犯规-(fàn ɡuī )

    10. Yellow Card/Red Card-黄牌(huánɡ pái)/红牌(hónɡ pái )

    -Maxi got a red card and been sent off.-Maxi被红牌罚下。
